We would like to thank all our partners for working with us on this awesome project and we created a farewell video with THANKS AND GOOD-BYE ve všech jazycích našich přátel z tohoto projektu.

On Friday morning the biology lesson was different from usual for a few students from kvarta class because they took part in one-hour BIOBLITZ in the town centre. How many plants in flower can one find, take a photo of and determine within an hour? You may be surprised but we have more than 40 different observations. Most of them...

Today the Czech students worked with tablets and revised the vocabulary learnt in this school year in a special way - created a set of crosswords in Learningapps. We think that revising words in a playfull way is one of the good faces of the technology outburst. However, still it is "work" so we consider sharing these activities with our...

Since the project is nearly completed, we have decided to create a noticeboard to inform our schoolmates about the project activities and outcomes. First we discussed which activities should be included and suggested which photos and printscreens to print. Then we collaboratively made the noticeboard.

After having supplied questions to the common evaluation survey, we took the survey today. A lot of questions indeed so it took some time. It was also interesting to see the common survey results.

Cultural Heritage is the topic in eTwinning for 2018 so we have decided to include it in our project as new technologies ( e.g.cell phone cameras) are a great mean how to record them. When it was possible, we used our own photos e.g. taken in our town or during the class trip to the town of Litomyšl. To make...

Text messages often use special short words and it is fun. We practised writing such texts in English today and expressed our opinions on the project. We worked in the twinspace forum and in mixed international teams.

Today the Czech students worked in the IT room on the task concerning the e-safety, byllying, .... (asking and answering FAQs on this topic) . They were in teams and half of them worked on the "problem" and half of them on the "answer". We wrote the problems on a Padlet noticeboard. As only one was to be sent to...

Today, on St Valentine´s Day, the French, Italian and Czech teams have met online to discuss YOUTUBE and to brainstorm the vocabulary connected with this topic. It was lovely to see and hear our partners. Thanks for the meeting.
Dnes, na svatého Valentýna, se se žáci z francouzské, italské a české školy sešli "online" a diskutovali spolu o youtube....

Today we worked in pairs and brainstormed questions for our Ukranian partners on the topic "Technologies and young people". Then two girls recorded the two best questions on a short video. At the same tiem, we had been asked two questions by the Spanish team so our second task was to answer them. We discussed possible answers and then three...

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